Monday, 19 October 2015

A Lesson in Vintage Hats

Hello dolls! Today I have shared with you a list of the popular vintage hats worn throughout the 1920s to 1960s. Some vintage hats might be a combination of this basic list,  so to categorize every living,single, vintage hat might be a bit tricky, but don't stress. The point is that while these styles are classic, some of these hats can still be worn today.

Cloche Hat

The French word cloche means bell. This fitted bell, shaped hat became popular between the1920s-1930s.

Greta Garbo in her signature styled hat

Slouch Hat

This hat is usually made of felt. The brim is somewhat floppy and it resembles a fedora in some regard. The slouch is also called the Garbo hat because this was a signature wear by Greta Garbo.This was made popular in the 1930s, during the time of the great depression.

Mushroom hat worn by Christian Dior model

Mushroom Hat

It takes the shape of a mushroom where the brim of the hat tilts downward and the crown short and rounded. The mushroom hat was popularized by Christian Dior in the late 1940s and it became part of his New Look collection.

Audrey Hepburn donned in a lampshade hat

Lampshade Hat

A  circular crown which is typically flat, but sometimes rounded and ranges from medium to tall. The brim flares in an outward direction but not flared; at times partially covering the ears. This look was said to have been popularized by Christian Dior in the 1950s.

Jackie O in signature pillbox hat

Pillbox Hat

Small brimless hat with a flat crown and round, upright sides. The shape is evocative of the cylindrical or hexagonal boxes in which pills were sold. Jackie O popularized this look in the 1960s.

 I hope this was helpful. Coming up in my next blog I will share with you a list of popular vintage perfumes. 

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